यदि आप आदि कैलाश और ओम पर्वत की यात्रा के साथ कैंची धाम मंदिर, गोलू देवता मंदिर, पारवती सरोवर, काली मंदिर जैसे अन्य अनेको पवित्र स्थलों के दर्शन करना चाहते हैं तो मैक्स हॉलीडेज द्वारा प्रति वर्ष आयोजित की जाने वाली 'आदि कैलाश ओम पर्वत यात्रा टूर पैकेज' में अपना पंजीकरण करा सकते हैI भारत सरकार द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त 'मैक्स हॉलीडेज गत कई वर्षों से मई से लेकर अक्टूबर महीने तक चलने वाली इस यात्रा का सफलतम आयोजन कर रही हैI प्रति वर्ष हजारों श्रद्धालु देश विदेश से इस यात्रा में सम्मिलित हो भगवान् शिव का आशीर्वाद प्राप्त करते है
Route: Kathgodam, Pithoragarh, Dharchula, Gunji, Adi Kailash, Om Parvat... view in map
Route: Delhi, Pithoragarh, Dharchula, Gunji, Adi Kailash, Om Parvat... view in map
Route: Dharchula, Gunji, Adi Kailash, Om Parvat, Dharchula... view in map
Route: Dharchula, Pangu-Sirkha, Budhi, Gunji, Kuti, Jollingkong, Adi Kailash... view in map
Route: Delhi, Pithoragarh, Dharchula, Gunji, Adi Kailash, Om Parvat... view in map
Route: Delhi, Dharchula, Gunji, Adi Kailash, Om Parvat, Dharchula... view in map
Want to see a true illustration of different religions worshipping under a single roof and that too with mutual respect? You can witness such an adorable scenario in the widely recognized pilgrimage hub Muktinath Temple and this made me really stunned when I was personally present at this place! The religious MUKTINATH TEMPLE Tour is surely going to engage your inner senses into the utmost divinity that lies in each and every bit of the Muktinath temple.
The unbelievable and the ultimate journey to the ‘Centre of Universe’ i.e. Mount Kailash has always been counted amongst the most passionately followed divine walks. No pilgrim goes back empty handed on concluding the trek to Mount Kailash- such is the miraculous aura of Kailash Parvat....
The Kailash Manasarovar Yatra is known as one of the toughest treks experienced by the pilgrims but its results are concluded as highly fruitful. The Mount Kailash i.e. the heavenly abode to Lord Shiva lies at an elevation of 21,788 ft. above sea level and its journey is thus considered to be the pinnacle of all destinations.
कैलाश मानसरोवर यात्रा की जानकारी एवं पंजीकरण के लिए मैक्स हॉलीडेज